Welcome to the WiMDA Home Page 

WiMDA is Francis Pratt's Muon Data Analysis Program for Windows Computers

Current version of 64-bit WiMDA: wimda.exe (version 1.320: 24/07/23) [use this for updatating an existing 64-bit installation]


All-in-one installer for the 64-bit version


Current version of 32-bit WiMDA: wimda.exe (version 1.320: 24/07/23) [use this for updatating an existing 32-bit installation]


All-in-one installer for the 32-bit version


Latest test version of wimda.exe: 64-bit and 32-bit


For further information about a new installation go to the Installation Notes page, which provides details and links for installation together with links to further programs that are needed to use the full plotting, fitting and data access functions of WiMDA.

Basic instructions for using the program are given in the original WiMDA manual (please note that this corresponds a rather older version and some details may have changed).

Latest features:

Reads J-PARC Nexus files

allows for suffix after run number in the naming of PSI mon files

modelling of detector deadtime correction

reads HAL9500 data stored in MDU format

more phase correction options for Fourier transform mode including automatic

user fitting libraries can use free Lazarus IDE for Free Pascal Compiler

up to six fitting components in analyse mode

reads NEXUS v1 and v2 muon data files

runs under Windows versions XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10, either native or in virtual machine

stdcall fit libraries for mixed language compatibility

extra options for count loss correction

support for Red/Green and periods mode 

option to use averaged log temperatures in fit tables

data simulation

laser logging

rotating reference frame display

Raw data formats currently recognised by WiMDA:

ISIS: NEXUS, MACS and MCS format, i.e.current and archived data from MUSR/EMU/DEVA/HIFI/ARGUS/CHRONUS
PSI: BIN format from GPS/LTF/GPD/DOLLY, MDU format from HAL9500, LEM data via conversion to BIN format
KEK: pi port and mu port

J-PARC Nexus
TRIUMF: TRI format

Versions currently expire after 24 months; users should download a newer version at least every 24 months to keep up with bug fixes and new features.

A paper on WiMDA with screenshots was presented at the MUSR99 conference in Les Diablerets (August 30th - September 3rd 1999) and provides an overview of the program.

Please cite this paper as F.L. Pratt, Physica B 289-290, 710 (2000) when you refer to the use of the WiMDA data analysis program in a publication.


For further information and queries about WiMDA contact Francis Pratt (francis.pratt@stfc.ac.uk)

Go to the ISIS Muons home page 


64 bit installer