#include <env_period_registers.h>
Classes | |
struct | veto_detail |
Protected Types | |
typedef isisU32_t | ppp_memory_t |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static const std::string | env_period_policy_name = "DAE2EnvPeriodPolicy" |
static const unsigned | FCOUNTR = 0x00 |
raw frame count 32 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | FCOUNTG = 0x04 |
good frame count 32 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | PCOUNTR0 = 0x08 |
raw proton count low 32 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | PCOUNTR1 = 0x0C |
raw proton count high 16 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | PCOUNTG0 = 0x10 |
good proton count low 32 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | PCOUNTG1 = 0x14 |
good proton count high 16 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | SCHPULSE = 0x18 |
muon cerenkov pulses recived (only ion MS mode) More... | |
static const unsigned | FIFOVETFRM = 0x100 |
FIFO veto, number of frames vetoo. More... | |
static const unsigned | SMPVETFRM = 0x104 |
static const unsigned | INTVETFRM = 0x108 |
Internal veto frame count (RO, 32 bit) period card only. More... | |
static const unsigned | TS2PVETFRM = 0x110 |
TS2 pulse veto. More... | |
static const unsigned | HZ50VETFRM = 0x118 |
ISIS not at 50 Hz. More... | |
static const unsigned | MSMVETFRM = 0x11C |
ms mode vetoed frames More... | |
static const unsigned | EXTPEROVFVC = 0x120 |
external period overflow veto counter (RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | EXT0VETFRM = 0x130 |
static const unsigned | EXT1VETFRM = 0x134 |
static const unsigned | EXT2VETFRM = 0x138 |
static const unsigned | EXT3VETFRM = 0x13C |
static const unsigned | FSDELAY = 0x200 |
frame syn lower 18 bits 1us increments More... | |
static const unsigned | FC0WINDLY = 0x204 |
window delay More... | |
static const unsigned | FC0WINWTH = 0x208 |
window width More... | |
static const unsigned | FC0VETFRM = 0x10C |
veto count, mirriored at 0x150 More... | |
static const unsigned | FC1WINDLY = 0x20C |
window delay More... | |
static const unsigned | FC1WINWTH = 0x210 |
window width More... | |
static const unsigned | FC1VETFRM = 0x154 |
veto count More... | |
static const unsigned | FC2WINDLY = 0x214 |
window delay More... | |
static const unsigned | FC2WINWTH = 0x218 |
window width More... | |
static const unsigned | FC2VETFRM = 0x158 |
veto count More... | |
static const unsigned | FC3WINDLY = 0x21C |
window delay More... | |
static const unsigned | FC3WINWTH = 0x220 |
window width More... | |
static const unsigned | FC3VETFRM = 0x15C |
veto count More... | |
static const unsigned | FRAMETIME0 = 0x248 |
low 32 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | FRAMETIME1 = 0x24C |
high 32 bits More... | |
static const unsigned | RVETO = 0x40080 |
veto enable register More... | |
static const unsigned | RVFIFO = (1 << 0) |
static const unsigned | RVSMP = (1 << 1) |
static const unsigned | RVINT = (1 << 2) |
static const unsigned | RVFCHOP0 = (1 << 3) |
fast chopper 0, also bit 20 More... | |
static const unsigned | RVTS2P = (1 << 4) |
ts2 pulse veto More... | |
static const unsigned | RVHZ50 = (1 << 6) |
isis not at 50 Hz More... | |
static const unsigned | RVMSM = (1 << 7) |
ms mode More... | |
static const unsigned | RVEXT0 = (1 << 12) |
external veto 0 More... | |
static const unsigned | RVEXT1 = (1 << 13) |
external veto 1 More... | |
static const unsigned | RVEXT2 = (1 << 14) |
external veto 2 More... | |
static const unsigned | RVEXT3 = (1 << 15) |
external veto 3 More... | |
static const unsigned | RVFCHOP1 = (1 << 21) |
fast chopper 1 More... | |
static const unsigned | RVFCHOP2 = (1 << 22) |
fast chopper 2 More... | |
static const unsigned | RVFCHOP3 = (1 << 23) |
fast chopper 3 More... | |
static const unsigned | RCONTROL = 0x40084 |
run control More... | |
static const unsigned | RCSTART = (1 << 0) |
start data acquisition More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFCLEAR = (1 << 1) |
clear frame and veto counters More... | |
static const unsigned | RCPCLEAR = (1 << 2) |
clear proton counters More... | |
static const unsigned | RCPERSZEQZERO = (1 << 3) |
0=external/harware periods, 1 = normal (start straight away) More... | |
static const unsigned | RCEVENTMODE = (1 << 4) |
enable event mode - send environment information to detector cards More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSSEL0 = (1 << 16) |
frame sync select bit 0 More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSSEL1 = (1 << 17) |
frame sync select bit 1 More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSSEL2 = (1 << 18) |
frame sync select bit 2 More... | |
static const unsigned | RCDELFSFIFORS = (1 << 14) |
delay frame sync fifo reset out (assert and deassert) More... | |
static const unsigned | RCRESET = (1 << 15) |
reset run controller More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSENABLEOUT = (1 << 20) |
frame sync enable out More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSSCH2 = (1 << 21) |
frame sync schenchoff pulse (0=use first, 1=use second) More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSSEL = (RCFSSEL0 | RCFSSEL1 | RCFSSEL2) |
static const unsigned | RCFSINT = (0) |
0 More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSSMP = (RCFSSEL0) |
1 More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSTOF = (RCFSSEL1) |
2 More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSMUONCK = (RCFSSEL0 | RCFSSEL1) |
3 muon cerenkov More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSMUONMS = (RCFSSEL2) |
4 muon MS mode More... | |
static const unsigned | RCFSTOF1P = (RCFSSEL0 | RCFSSEL1 | RCFSSEL2) |
5 first isis ts1 pulse after ts2 gap (so 10hz) More... | |
static const veto_detail | veto_details [] |
static const unsigned | MAX_NUM_PERIODS = (16*1024) |
should be same of OUTLUT and PERLUT sizes More... | |
static const unsigned | MPCNT = 0x300 |
Period card functionality. More... | |
static const unsigned | MPLIM = 0x304 |
main period (DAQ + Dwell) limit register (14 bit, RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | PSCNT = 0x308 |
period sequence counter (32 bit, RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | PSLR = 0x30C |
period sequence limit register (32 bit, RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | PERINCTOT = 0x310 |
total number of period increments (RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | PEROUTDEL = 0x314 |
period output delay in us (18 bit, RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | LOOKTAR = 0x40000 |
lookup table access register (4bit, RW) - see below More... | |
static const unsigned | PCREG = 0x40088 |
period control register (16 bit, RW) - see below More... | |
static const unsigned | ALT1SFV = 0x7FFF8 |
Alt1 Sub Firmware version register (8bit, RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | PERLUTSTART = 0x80000 |
period lookup table (16k x 32 bit RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | PERLUTSIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | PERLUTEND = (PERLUTSTART + 4*PERLUTSIZE) |
static const unsigned | OUTLUTSTART = 0xc0000 |
period switching output lookup table (16k x 16 bit RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | OUTLUTSIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | OUTLUTEND = (OUTLUTSTART + 4*OUTLUTSIZE) |
static const unsigned | OUTLUTMASK = 0xffff |
outlut is 16 bit More... | |
static const unsigned | RFCNT0START = 0x100000 |
raw frame counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0 More... | |
static const unsigned | RFCNT0SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | GFCNT0START = 0x110000 |
good frame counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0 More... | |
static const unsigned | GFCNT0SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | RPCNT0START = 0x120000 |
raw proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0 More... | |
static const unsigned | RPCNT0SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | GPCNT0START = 0x130000 |
good proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0 More... | |
static const unsigned | GPCNT0SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | RPCNT1START = 0x140000 |
raw proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts1 (warning - only 16 bits usable) More... | |
static const unsigned | RPCNT1SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | GPCNT1START = 0x150000 |
good proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts1 (warning - only 16 bits usable) More... | |
static const unsigned | GPCNT1SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | SPARE0START = 0x160000 |
spare counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) (warning - only 16 bits usable) More... | |
static const unsigned | SPARE0SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | SPARE1START = 0x170000 |
spare counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) (warning - only 16 bits usable) More... | |
static const unsigned | SPARE1SIZE = (16*1024) |
static const unsigned | TARPERLUT = (1 << 0) |
access PERLUT enable bit, RW More... | |
static const unsigned | TAROUTLUT = (1 << 1) |
access OUTLUT enable bit, RW More... | |
static const unsigned | PCENDAFTER = (1 << 1) |
end run after period sequence completes control bit (RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | PCSEQCOMP = (1 << 2) |
period sequence complete monitor bit (RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | PCENDSEQCOMP = (1 << 3) |
run ended and period sequence complete monitor bit (RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | PCENAB = (1 << 4) |
normal/period mode enable (RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | PCEXTENAB = (1 << 5) |
internal/external periods control mode enable (RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | PCMULENAB = (1 << 6) |
single/multi period sequence control mode enable (RW) More... | |
static const unsigned | PCMULCOMP = (1 << 7) |
multiple period sequence completed monitor bit (RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | PCMSM = (1 << 11) |
enable Muon MS mode More... | |
static const unsigned | PCCLRPC = (1 << 13) |
clear period counters (RW) need to assert & deassert More... | |
static const unsigned | PCRESET = (1 << 15) |
period card reset control bit(RW) need to assert & deassert More... | |
static const unsigned | PERLUTTYPE = (1U << 31) |
bit of perlut used to decide if dwell or daq period More... | |
![]() | |
static const int | FIRMVERS = 0x7FFFC |
firmware version register (32 bit, RO) More... | |
static const unsigned | CARDSHIFT = 28 |
how many More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~DAE2CardPolicy () |
![]() | |
static unsigned long | makeAddress (int position, unsigned long address) |
static unsigned long | cardFromAddress (unsigned long address) |
static unsigned long | baseAddress (unsigned long address) |
![]() | |
static const int | CRATE_MOD = 100 |
static const std::string | card_policy_name = "DAE2CardPolicy" |
static const std::string | card_type = "DAE2" |
Definition at line 4 of file env_period_registers.h.
protected |
Definition at line 168 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Alt1 Sub Firmware version register (8bit, RO)
Definition at line 142 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 8 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 29 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 30 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 31 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 32 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
external period overflow veto counter (RO)
Definition at line 27 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
veto count, mirriored at 0x150
Definition at line 43 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window delay
Definition at line 41 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window width
Definition at line 42 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
veto count
Definition at line 46 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window delay
Definition at line 44 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window width
Definition at line 45 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
veto count
Definition at line 49 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window delay
Definition at line 47 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window width
Definition at line 48 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
veto count
Definition at line 52 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window delay
Definition at line 50 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
window width
Definition at line 51 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
good frame count 32 bits
Definition at line 13 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
raw frame count 32 bits
Definition at line 12 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
FIFO veto, number of frames vetoo.
Definition at line 20 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
low 32 bits
Definition at line 56 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
high 32 bits
Definition at line 57 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
frame syn lower 18 bits 1us increments
Definition at line 36 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 155 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
good frame counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0
Definition at line 154 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 159 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
good proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0
Definition at line 158 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 163 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
good proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts1 (warning - only 16 bits usable)
Definition at line 162 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
ISIS not at 50 Hz.
Definition at line 25 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Internal veto frame count (RO, 32 bit) period card only.
Definition at line 22 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
lookup table access register (4bit, RW) - see below
Definition at line 139 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
should be same of OUTLUT and PERLUT sizes
Definition at line 120 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Period card functionality.
main period (DAQ + Dwell) counter (15 bit, bit 0-13 = number, 14 says if it is dwell) (RO)
Definition at line 129 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
main period (DAQ + Dwell) limit register (14 bit, RW)
Definition at line 130 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
ms mode vetoed frames
Definition at line 26 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 149 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
outlut is 16 bit
Definition at line 150 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 148 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period switching output lookup table (16k x 16 bit RW)
Definition at line 147 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
clear period counters (RW) need to assert & deassert
Definition at line 191 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
normal/period mode enable (RW)
Definition at line 182 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
end run after period sequence completes control bit (RW)
Definition at line 179 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
run ended and period sequence complete monitor bit (RO)
Definition at line 181 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
internal/external periods control mode enable (RW)
Definition at line 183 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
enable Muon MS mode
Definition at line 189 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
multiple period sequence completed monitor bit (RO)
Definition at line 185 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
single/multi period sequence control mode enable (RW)
Definition at line 184 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
good proton count low 32 bits
Definition at line 16 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
good proton count high 16 bits
Definition at line 17 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
raw proton count low 32 bits
Definition at line 14 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
raw proton count high 16 bits
Definition at line 15 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period control register (16 bit, RW) - see below
Definition at line 140 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period card reset control bit(RW) need to assert & deassert
Definition at line 192 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period sequence complete monitor bit (RO)
Definition at line 180 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
total number of period increments (RO)
Definition at line 133 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 145 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 144 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period lookup table (16k x 32 bit RW)
Definition at line 143 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
bit of perlut used to decide if dwell or daq period
Definition at line 195 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period output delay in us (18 bit, RW)
Definition at line 138 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period sequence counter (32 bit, RO)
Definition at line 131 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
period sequence limit register (32 bit, RW)
Definition at line 132 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
delay frame sync fifo reset out (assert and deassert)
Definition at line 93 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
enable event mode - send environment information to detector cards
Definition at line 87 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
clear frame and veto counters
Definition at line 84 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
frame sync enable out
Definition at line 95 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 101 of file env_period_registers.h.
3 muon cerenkov
Definition at line 104 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
4 muon MS mode
Definition at line 105 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
frame sync schenchoff pulse (0=use first, 1=use second)
Definition at line 97 of file env_period_registers.h.
Definition at line 100 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
frame sync select bit 0
Definition at line 89 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
frame sync select bit 1
Definition at line 90 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
frame sync select bit 2
Definition at line 91 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 102 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 103 of file env_period_registers.h.
5 first isis ts1 pulse after ts2 gap (so 10hz)
Definition at line 106 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
run control
Definition at line 79 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
clear proton counters
Definition at line 85 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
0=external/harware periods, 1 = normal (start straight away)
Definition at line 86 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
reset run controller
Definition at line 94 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
start data acquisition
Definition at line 83 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 153 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
raw frame counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0
Definition at line 152 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 157 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
raw proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts0
Definition at line 156 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 161 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
raw proton counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) in counts1 (warning - only 16 bits usable)
Definition at line 160 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
veto enable register
Definition at line 60 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
external veto 0
Definition at line 71 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
external veto 1
Definition at line 72 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
external veto 2
Definition at line 73 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
external veto 3
Definition at line 74 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
fast chopper 0, also bit 20
Definition at line 65 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
fast chopper 1
Definition at line 75 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
fast chopper 2
Definition at line 76 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
fast chopper 3
Definition at line 77 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 62 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
isis not at 50 Hz
Definition at line 68 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 64 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
ms mode
Definition at line 69 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 63 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
ts2 pulse veto
Definition at line 66 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
muon cerenkov pulses recived (only ion MS mode)
Definition at line 18 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 21 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 165 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
spare counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) (warning - only 16 bits usable)
Definition at line 164 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 167 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
spare counters(16k x 32 bit, RW) (warning - only 16 bits usable)
Definition at line 166 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
access OUTLUT enable bit, RW
Definition at line 173 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
access PERLUT enable bit, RW
Definition at line 172 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
TS2 pulse veto.
Definition at line 24 of file env_period_registers.h.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 118 of file env_period_registers.h.