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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCDictionary< TKey, TValue >
oCIEnumerable< T >
oCIEquatable< Contact >
oCIEquatable< PI >
oCIEquatable< User >
oCSeci.ComponentListA serialisable list for containing objects of type SeciConfiguration. This class wraps a standard List and exposes some of the basic methods, but also includes some specialist method for serialising and deserialising the components. Only the names of the components are serialised and deserialised.
oCSeci.Definitions.AssociatedFileThis class is used for storing files as part of a configuration. Typically, the files stored are ini files from a LabVIEW VIs, which are usually less than 100k in size. The files are stored in the configuration as a byte array, which is converted back into the "real" file when the configuration is loaded. The file is only intended to be converted at the point of saving the configuration otherwise it just wastes memory.
oCSeci.Definitions.BlockInfoThis class is used for storing the information for any blocks that are created and provides methods for logging and checking run-control limits.
oCSeci.Definitions.ConfigurationThis class contains all the information that defines the configuration at the SECI level and contains all the code for saving and loading the configuration. Both configurations and components are made from this class. Components are mini-configurations that can be loaded as part of a configuration. All the methods are marked as private or internal as the methods should not be directly accessible from outside the DLL.
oCSeci.Definitions.GraphDefinitionThis class is used for serializing the graphs for saving in the configuration.
oCSeci.Definitions.PlotDefinitionLightweight plot definition class.
oCSeci.Definitions.StatusClass for holding the standard run-time settings for SECI. A large percentage of the information held in this class is read from the App.Config.
oCSeci.Helpers.CurrValInfoA small class for storing current value information
oCSeci.Helpers.DatabaseLoggerThis class is used performs the following tasks:
oCSeci.Helpers.DatabaseWriterThis class does the actual logging to the database
oCSeci.Helpers.LogInfoA small class for storing log information
oCSeci.Helpers.MessageLoggerThis class is used for logging messages to file; typical messages are configuration loaded, seci started etc.
oCSeci.Helpers.SourceSafeClass for saving configurations into SourceSafe. Works by creating batch files then running them.
oCSeci.LabView.Controls.LvControlThis class is the abstract base class of the objects used to store the VI control information. Contains the methods for writing and reading control values.
oCSeci.LabView.LabViewAppThis class contains the DCOM connection to the LabVIEW application and stores a reference to all the loaded VIs (not just those of the current configuration) in a dictionary. There are methods for starting and stopping LabVIEW application, loading and running VIs, and for controlling their status.
oCSeci.LabView.LabViewPanelThis class contains the reference to the LabVIEW VI and keeps a list of all the front panel controls. There are methods for getting and setting control values on the panel.
oCSeci.LabView.LabViewPanelInfoThis class contains all the information about a LabVIEW VI that needs to be saved in the configuration. This class contains no information about the current state except the position of the panel, which is updated just before saving.
oCSeci.Managers.AssocFileMgrThe manager class for associated files.
oCSeci.Managers.BlockMgrThe manager class for Block related stuff.
oCSeci.Managers.ComponentMgrThe manager class for all things component related
oCSeci.Managers.ConfigurationMgrThe manager class for the configuration
oCSeci.Managers.ExecutableMgrThe manager class for all things executable related
oCSeci.Managers.LabViewMgrThe manager class for interacting with LabVIEW.
oCSeci.Managers.SeciMgrA general manager class for SECI. Contains the stuff that does not fit into any of the other manager classes
oCSeci.Remoting.BridgeThis class is for accessing Seci from an external source. All the COM and Remoting calls go through this class.
oCSeci.Remoting.IComInterfaceThe exposed COM interface
oCSeci.Standard.BeamlineParametersThis class is a wrapper for the Beamline Parameters VI
oCSeci.Standard.BeamLoggerThis class is a wrapper for the beam logger VI that is a default part of SECI.
oCSeci.Standard.DaeThis class is a wrapper for the ICP programme that is a default part of SECI. The class is set up to talk to the ICP programme directly rather than though the LabVIEW front panel.
oCSeci.Standard.DaeMonitorThis class is a wrapper for the DAE Monitor VI. The DAE Monitor VI is where SECI puts the block settings, so that Open GENIE can get the necessary information for the CSET commands. Any run-control settings set by Open GENIE are also stored on this VI. In the future, it may be that we remove this VI and get Open GENIE retrieve the block values and set run-control limits directly through SECI. On old SECI, the DAE Monitor VI needed to be running as it was responsible for putting the DAE into waiting or resuming a run.
oCSeci.Standard.MessageInfoThis class is used to store the message data that is retrieved from the message panel vi.
oCSeci.Standard.MessageQueueThis class is a wrapper for the Message Panel VI. This VI is where sample environment VIs should send their error messages or user questions; SECI should then collect the messages from the VI. Any replies are then sent back to the Message Panel VI which then forwards the reply to the original VI.
oCSeci.Standard.SampleParametersThis class is a wrapper for the Sample Parameters VI.
oCSeci.Standard.UserDetailsThis class is a wrapper for the User Details VI.