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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
|oCBlockDictionarySpecialised version of the Dictionary class which can be converted to XML. Also has some additional standard List-like functionality. The dictionary keys will be lower case, this will make it easier to make OpenGENIE calls case insensitive.
|oCComponentListA serialisable list for containing objects of type SeciConfiguration. This class wraps a standard List and exposes some of the basic methods, but also includes some specialist method for serialising and deserialising the components. Only the names of the components are serialised and deserialised.
|\CSerialisableList< T >Specialised generic version of the standard List class which can be converted to XML. Containss a standard List object and has wrapper methods for most of the standard List functionality plus some extras.
|oCAdvancedOptionsInteraction logic for AdvancedOptions.xaml
|oCBeamlineInformationInteraction logic for UserInformation.xaml
|oCBeamStatusInteraction logic for BeamStatus.xaml
|oCBlockDisplayInteraction logic for BlockDisplay.xaml
|oCCommandLineWrapperInteraction logic for CommandLineWrapper.xaml
|oCDaeHostWrapperInteraction logic for DaeHostWrapper.xaml
|oCFootprintsSubmissionInteraction logic for FootprintsSubmission.xaml
|oCHelpBrowserInteraction logic for HelpBrowser.xaml
|oCHelpLauncherInteraction logic for HelpLauncher.xaml
|oCIniEditorInteraction logic for IniEditor.xaml
|oCJournalControlInteraction logic for JournalViewer.xaml
|oCJournalViewerInteraction logic for JournalViewer.xaml
|oCLabViewNavButtonInteraction logic for LabViewNavButton.xaml
|oCMcrNewsInteraction logic for McrNews.xaml
|oCMenuBarInteraction logic for MenuBar.xaml
|oCMenuWrapperInteraction logic for MenuWrapper.xaml
|oCMessagesWrapperInteraction logic for MessagesWrapper.xaml
|oCNavBarInteraction logic for NavBar.xaml
|oCPearlDashboardInteraction logic for PearlDashboard.xaml
|oCPeriodDashboardInteraction logic for AlternativeDashboard.xaml
|oCPolarisDashboardInteraction logic for PolarisDashboard.xaml
|oCRBFinderInteraction logic for RBFinder.xaml
|oCSampleInformationInteraction logic for UserInformation.xaml
|oCStandardDashboardInteraction logic for StandardDashboard.xaml
|oCUserInformationInteraction logic for UserInformation.xaml
|oCViHostWrapperInteraction logic for ViHostWrapper.xaml
|oCViTabControlInteraction logic for ViTabControl.xaml
|\CUserInterfaceInteraction logic for SeciUserInterface.xaml
 \CAppInteraction logic for App.xaml