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Namespaces | Classes
Package Seci


package  Definitions
package  Helpers
package  LabView
package  Managers
package  Properties
package  Remoting
package  Standard
package  Tools


class  BlockDictionary
 Specialised version of the Dictionary class which can be converted to XML. Also has some additional standard List-like functionality. The dictionary keys will be lower case, this will make it easier to make OpenGENIE calls case insensitive. More...
class  ComponentList
 A serialisable list for containing objects of type SeciConfiguration. This class wraps a standard List and exposes some of the basic methods, but also includes some specialist method for serialising and deserialising the components. Only the names of the components are serialised and deserialised. More...
class  SerialisableList< T >
 Specialised generic version of the standard List class which can be converted to XML. Containss a standard List object and has wrapper methods for most of the standard List functionality plus some extras. More...