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Package Seci.LabView


package  Controls


class  GetControlsException
 A simple custom exception used for a LabVIEW control cannot be read More...
class  LabViewApp
 This class contains the DCOM connection to the LabVIEW application and stores a reference to all the loaded VIs (not just those of the current configuration) in a dictionary. There are methods for starting and stopping LabVIEW application, loading and running VIs, and for controlling their status. More...
class  LabViewException
 A simple custom exception used for LabVIEW exceptions More...
class  LabViewPanel
 This class contains the reference to the LabVIEW VI and keeps a list of all the front panel controls. There are methods for getting and setting control values on the panel. More...
class  LabViewPanelInfo
 This class contains all the information about a LabVIEW VI that needs to be saved in the configuration. This class contains no information about the current state except the position of the panel, which is updated just before saving. More...
class  LvmqUpdater
 This class is used for checking to see if the LabVIEW messages received from the message panel VI have changed. It contains an instance of the BackgroundWorker class that is used as a separate thread for retrieving the current information, and an instance of the Timer class which fires off the BackgroundWorker every x milliseconds. An event is raised if the messages have changed. More...